Saturday 23 March 2013

about india, where is india, history of india, all about india


India is a country located in Asia to be more specific in South Asia. India lies to the north of the equator between 6o44' and 35o30' north latitude and 68o7' and 97o25' east longitude. Its surrounded by sea on three sides and on the 4th side by the great himalayan range. India is surrounded by Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal and The Indian ocean. Asia is the biggest continent in the world and India is the 7th largest country by area and 2nd by population. India's population is more than 1.2 Billion which makes India the most populous country in the world.

Talking about ancient India, its said that Indus Valley Civilization which was a highly developed urban civilization flourished here around 5000 years ago. The Indus Valley Civilization laid the foundation of India. Ancient India was known as the 'Golden Bird' because of the Gold in India.

Then came the vedic age where the Aryans arrived. The Aryans occupied North India and pushed the Dravidian's to the South India. The Aryans are said to settle in the valleys of Ganga and Yamuna.

Later came the Epic age where the world saw two great epics namely - The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. These two epics mirrored the social, religious, political and economical condition of ancient India. The power of kings in India increased immensly. The aryans split up into four categories :

1) Brahmins
2) Vaishyas 
3) Shudras
4) Kshatriyas

According to their work/occupation the aryans were classified in the above criterias.

Some of the major dynasties which rules India are detailed below :


Following are some of the major dynasties and rulers ruling over the period in ancient India. 

  • Magadhan (Bimbisara) - 543 to 491 BC
  • Dynasty (Ajatshatru) - 491to 461 BC
  • Naiula Dynasty (Mahapadma Nanda) - 362 to 334 BC
  • Mauryan Empire - 321to 232 BC
  • Indo-Greek Dynasty - 180 to 130 BC
  • Gupta Dynasty - 467 to 319 BC
  • Harsha Dynasty (Harshavardhana) - 647 to 606 BC
  • Pallava Dynasty - 668 to 630 BC
  • Slave Dynasty - 1206 to 1290 AD
  • Khaljis Dynasty - 1290 to 1320 AD
  • Tughlaq Dynasty - 1320 to 1431 AD
  • Sayyid Dynasty - 1414 to 1451 AD 
  • Lodhi Dynasty - 1451 to 1526 AD
  • Mughal Dynasty - 1451 to 1526 AD
  • Sur Dynasty - 1540 to 1555 AD
  • Mughal Dynasty 1555 to 1707 AD
  • Emperors - 1707 to 1858 AD
  • Nawabs of Bengal - 1703 to 1765 AD
  • Nizams of Hyderabad and Nawabs of Avadh - 1724 to 1856 AD (Nizams till 1869 AD )    
  • Maratha Peshwas - 1714 to 1818 AD